Project Title Sponsor
As a Project Title Sponsor your donation will provide:
Naming Rights for the Event and for our Top 5 Projects in 2020
25' Banner at the event
Advertising inside front cover of program and throughout the event
Opportunity to speak at the event
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VIP Auction Sponsor
As a VIP Auction Sponsor your donation will provide:
Naming Rights for the Auction
Recognition during dinner
Full page ad on the inside of the back cover of the program and throughout the event
Featured in all Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
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VIP Casino Sponsor
As a VIP Casino Sponsor your donation will provide:
Naming Rights for the Casino
Recognition during dinner
Full page ad inside the program and throughout the event
Featured in all Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
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